The truth of Hollywood movies

How real is Hollywood movies?

Hollywood. It is a well-known film industry that has been producing award winning movies for a lot of decades. Examples of those said movies are Titanic, Lone Survivor, and more. Many of these movies are based on true stories but how much truth was portrayed in the movie itself?

The term “fake it until you make it”, is a saying that applied to almost of the producers in Hollywood. This is because they believed that if there is a bit of drama in a movie that is based on real stories, people would be more attracted to watch it as people tend to look for it rather than understanding the real meaning of the movie. Furthermore, producers hold to the notion that marketing the movie the movie is more important than the quality of the movie. People hold high hopes if a movie is produced based on real life events but only to be let down after the movie did not meet their expectation.

The preposition, “Hollywood produces great movies, but they don’t always tell the truth even if it based on “true stories”, existed because not all parts of a real life event movie can be shown to the public as it contains something that sensitive and may give a bad outcome to all viewers. On top of that, people put too much expectation on the movie. People imagination holds a wide range of happenings as they read through the true story of certain movies. Hence, they felt disappointed when the movie did not reach their expectations.

In a nutshell, Hollywood does produces high quality movies whether it is based on real life event or not. Minus its’ controversy on how much truth is portrayed in the movie that is based on true story, the public are still interested and love to watch Hollywood movies.



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