Critical Literacy

Critical Literacy

Most of my seniors would roll their eyes upon hearing of this course. Entering semester four of English Communication means that I will learn more and apparently Critical Literacy is one of it.
So what is this Critical Literacy? It is a subject where students are urge to diligently analysed texts and reveal the hidden messages.

 It can be said as a course that most of my seniors struggled to pass.
Listening to what most of them said about this course really scares me a little but I still have my own expectation towards this course. Although others claimed Critical Literacy as something that is hard to pass, I really hope through this course, I can learn to be more observant and attentive since we actually need to think critically for once. My other expectation is that by taking this course I can learn to develop skills in terms of coming into a conclusion. I also expect myself to think critically and be open to more opinions on any situation which can be applied in my daily life.

I really hope that I can strive for success for this course that I’ll be taking next semester and ace it until I can help friends and my juniors to understand this interesting subject. With this hope in mind, I hope Critical Literacy can be one of my favourite course.



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